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Security Guard Services in Chicago

Nationwide Investigations & Security, Inc.

Need To Hire Security Officers in Chicago?

Contact Nationwide Investigations & Security, Inc. today.

Security guard companies in Chicago are plentiful, but very few provide their clients with the professionalism and attentiveness to duty to match that of the security guard staff of Nationwide Investigations & Security, Inc. Our firm is respected as one of the top security guard companies in Chicago, and we’re intent on maintaining that reputation. We pride ourselves on a high level of accountability, punctuality, and excellence.

When our clients contact us for service, they have a well-deserved expectation of the timely arrival and professional appearance of the guard-staff in addition to the highest expectations of the service they’ll receive.

Security Guards & Safety Personnel Are A Worthy Investment

Security guard services in Chicago, Il

Security officers pay for themselves with their presence alone. If a potential vandal or criminal intends on taking some form of aggressive illegal action, they’ll be immediately deterred and think twice the moment they catch wind of the presence of security guards. Nationwide Investigations & Security, Inc. staffs both armed and unarmed security officers and provides services to all types of establishments.

As one of the busiest security guard companies in Chicago, we’ve provided security for retail establishments, construction & equipment storage sites, office buildings, concerts & special events, schools, office parks, parking garages. We also train our armed staff in active-shooter prevention and neutralization. We’re also one of the few security guard companies in Chicago that’s ready to respond to emergency situations and initiate patrol details on short notice.

If you have questions about our security guard services in Chicago, or if you need to schedule service immediately, reach out to Nationwide Investigations & Security, Inc. as soon as possible. Call us at 773-231-5588. Our phones are answers day and night, 7 days per week.

Armed & Unarmed Security Guards

Available Now!

More On Our Security Guard Services

  • Security for Healthcare Facilities
  • Employee Termination Security
  • Residential & Commercial Services
  • Special Event, Concert, Convention Security
  • Armed & Unarmed Officers Available
  • Temporary & Long Term Contracts Available
  • Office & Apartment Building Security
  • Periodic Vehicle & Foot Patrol Services
  • Emergency & Short Notice Service Available
  • Fire Watch Guards & Fire Prevention
  • Tactically Trained Bodyguards are Available

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Understanding the Role of Armed Security Guards

Fighting back against Active Shooters

There are two classifications of people who should be allowed to use guns, citizens that have the legal qualifications and protective armed forces. Armed security guards fall into the latter. Having a firearm is something that everyone within the US is—legally—entitled to, and it can ensure that you, as a citizen, are protected. Still, the difference between you and a professionally trained security guard is that they have other skills to supplement their ability to use a firearm.

The majority of security guards don’t carry weapons. In special cases, there are instances where an armed guard may be better suited for a task than their unarmed counterpart. There may be a situation where someone’s life is in danger or perhaps there is an establishment that doesn’t have much in the way of its own defenses, and armed security gives those within said establishment a feeling of safety.

Let’s use Chicago, Illinois, as an example, let’s say that someone attends the Art Institute of Chicago. They go into class expecting a typical day when suddenly it’s discovered that someone has come into the school with a firearm. We won’t take the example any further and we ask you to keep in mind that this is not an actual event that has happened. But, let’s just say that an armed guard is perfect for de-escalating this situation because they themselves have a firearm at their disposal.

Skills That an Armed Security Guard Must Have

We’ve covered the basics of what an armed guard does, which is to protect others with the aid of firearms, but possibly the most essential part of an armed guard’s job is to know that they should only use the gun when there is an actual need to do so. A gun makes a magnificent bluff towards someone anyone trying to engage in any criminal activity, but it shouldn’t be fired off arbitrarily. They must have good judgment to make a call that would require them actually to use their firearm. Nationwide Investigations & Security, Inc. takes pride in the intensive training our officers must complete. Our operatives know when to fire and when not to.

An armed security officer must also have a constant vigil of their surroundings and be alert and focused at every moment. A momentary lapse in vigilance could be disastrous. They must also be honest due to being responsible for secure access to buildings and protecting an establishment from crime. Vetting is an essential step in finding the right security guard so you can bet that Nationwide Investigations & Security, Inc. conducts background checks to ensure that our security guard staff has no criminal background or questionable ethics.

Armed security guards must also be in good physical condition while portraying an image of alertness. Being fit while and looking like the professional that every armed guard should be, is a powerful combination. Not only do they look the part of an intimidating guard to any perpetrators, but they present a good image towards their client. Moreover, speaking of their client, an armed security guard should be able to effectively communicate with them as well as accurately document the events of every incident.

An armed security officer will utilize these skills for potentially dangerous situations to achieve a favorable outcome. In looking back to the Art Institute scenario, the ultimate goal of the armed guard should be to put these abilities that they possess to create a means of dealing with the culprit to ensure the safety of everyone inside.

Active Shooting Incidents & Active Defense Solutions

What is Active Shooting?

An active shooting incident is when someone is killing or attempting to kill others in a confined and populated space. The perpetrator has no discernable pattern or methodology as to how they choose their victims.

Mass killings and active shooter attacks typically happen in areas where people are completely defenseless. These types of areas are referred to as “soft targets.” Active shooter attacks usually conclude with the offender committing suicide, getting shot by police/security or taken into custody once they surrender due to an unavoidable confrontation with the authorities. These incidents are often around a span of 10 to 15 minutes.

Back to our Chicago example, an auditorium or classroom within the Art Institute of Chicago is the perfect example of a soft-target. There’s nothing in the way to stop a perpetrator if they came armed and with ill intentions. There are too many school shootings to count that occur in the US each year and many active shootings are over before the police even arrive on the scene. The campus must have a competent and responsive security detail for these sorts of situations.

How to Approach an Active Shooting

It has been said many times that there are many reasons why active shootings happen. They include bullying, internet MK Ultra conspiracies, mental instability, easy means to acquire guns or a combination of each of these. Many times, in going over what led the shooter to make the horrifying choice to attack innocent people, there tends to be some truth that lies in each of these reasons, and therein also lies a way for security to help prevent these situations from happening.

Most times, there’s at least one person that’s aware that an active shooter is planning to make these nightmare situations a reality.

On the one hand, the mere fact that someone is planning something like this is awful, but it does allow security to pick up on potential troubles through interaction with the student body. A security guard should be constantly vigilant and know their surroundings inside and out and must account for the people that will be around as well. The phrase, “Know thy enemy” is rather apropos in this case.

Below we’ve outlined a few actions that a good security guard can take to ensure that an active shooting prevented or is de-escalated quickly.

  • They may dedicate themselves to learning each route, building, and campus.
  • They can make and carry a map on their person at all times that will allow them to quickly respond when told of an active shooter in a particular location.
  • The security guard in question can be sure to update their map if any repairs or additions the building is made.
  • A security guard can make themselves aware of any issues like broken door locks as well as entrances and exits on the school grounds.

Once an armed guard has confronted the shooter, they have the immediate goal of neutralizing the threat the same way a police officer would. A good armed guard should have the training needed to use their gun without injuring civilians during the confrontation. Nevertheless, it should be determined how they will approach the shooter with the school authorities well ahead of this ever occurring.

The best thing is for guards (armed or not) to do is to prepare for an active shooter incident. It isn’t possible to plan out every single detail due to the unpredictability of these incidents, but with constant awareness and continued improvements on their training and methods, guards and the rest of the staff can create a good plan for this type of emergency. Having an armed guard on all school campuses is the best way to counter such threats. Armed guards are highly trained individuals who have developed skills to protect their posts and the general public.

If you need to talk with a professional about developing a security scheme for your home or business in the Chicagoland region, contact Nationwide Investigations & Security, Inc. today by calling 773-231-5588.

If you’re the owner or manager of a property in Chicago that could use the oversight of trained and well-armed security staff, place a friendly phone call to our office today. Our phone number is 773-231-5588 and the phones at Nationwide Investigations & Security, Inc. are answered 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. If you have any questions, give us a call.

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Nationwide Investigations & Security, Inc.,
201 W Lake St, Unit 310, Chicago, Il 60606
Phone: 773-231-5588

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Whether security guard services are needed in Chicago or in the nearby towns of Joliet, Naperville, Aurora, Elgin, Arlington Heights, Berwyn, Bolingbrook, Oaklawn and all areas in between, don’t hesitate to call us. To reach Nationwide Investigations & Security, Inc. call our office at 773-231-5588.