Small business owners have the most to gain by employing professional security guards as they’re the most at-risk for criminal activity. The impact that a series of thefts can have on the margins of a business and their insurance rates could be enough to put a terminal strain on small businesses, new businesses, and businesses with tight margins. In short, a contract with a reputable security guard company will pay for itself by preventing losses before they occur and ensuring a stable, safe commercial environment.
A Security Presence Provides Benefits to Business
The Right Security Guards Will Make a Difference
Numerous businesses benefit by having a security force on staff albeit some more than others. Businesses such as convenience stores, check cashing establishments, banks, auto dealerships, and retail establishments are often the favorite target of small-time crooks, thieves, and other petty criminals. For this reason, lots of small and large businesses have internal security on staff, hire off duty police officers, or hire professional security guard companies like us here at Nationwide Investigations & Security, Inc.
Working With Security Guards
Benefits We Provide To Our Clients
Some of the benefits that professional security guard companies provide to their clients are related primarily to crime prevention. Crime prevention alone is enough to raise a property value, ensure repeat customers, and promulgate a sense of security among neighbors, employees, and most importantly of all, the customers.
With professional security officers on patrol, incidents like car break-ins, vandalism, stalking, and thefts are easily prevented and more importantly, deterred. Even with unarmed security guards on patrol, the potential for unsightly incidents, crime, and disorder are diminished greatly.
Should You Hire Security Guards?
For Retail Establishments, Absolutely, But First
Prior to hiring or agreeing to enter a contract with a professional security guard company, you should conduct a thorough security assessment or hire a consultant to perform one. By consulting with a security expert, you’ll find out if technology can provide the security solution you’ll need as opposed to hiring manpower, or if utilizing some form of security technology may cut down on the need for manpower.
If you’re looking for a professional security expert to perform a security assessment, contact Mr. Allen Hollimon today at 800-294-6042. Nationwide Investigations & Security, Inc, provides security assessments throughout the United States, but if we’re not able to perform your security assessment, we’ll refer you to one of our business partners in your area.
If you’re a small business owner with a retail establishment, for your safety and that of others, we strongly recommend hiring armed security officers. Safety is first! So even if you decide not to contact Nationwide Investigations & Security, Inc. for your security assessment, be sure to contact another reputable security firm near you and get it done. Someone’s life may depend on it.